2014 acm digital Library Subscriber Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement2014 acm digital Library Subscriber Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement
Acm (the Association for Computing Machinery), with its principal offices at 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, ny 10121-0701, usa
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Texas a&m University and One Health alliance Program in conjunction with American Humane AssociationTexas a&m University and One Health alliance Program in conjunction with American Humane Association
445.36 Kb. 8
Impacts of ocean wind on ocean processesImpacts of ocean wind on ocean processes
On land a degree centigrade warmer. At sea, a degree cooler. Yes those are big changes
69.62 Kb. 1
Company Name) (Company Logo) fleet safety programCompany Name) (Company Logo) fleet safety program
The (Name Company) Fleet Safety Program establishes guidelines and procedures to be followed to protect the safety of individuals operating motor vehicles on company business
114.13 Kb. 1
The silent massacreThe silent massacre
This book is about torture--physical and neurological torture. However, there is a particular
0.99 Mb. 85


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